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Get to know Dave


Dave is referred to as the "leader" of the band. On stage he is the front man because, as he says, "I'm too stupid to keep my mouth shut." Although he learned music by playing trumpet, he gave that up when he got a guitar shortly after high school. He plays rhythm 

guitar (electric and acoustic) and sings most of the harmonies as well as a few leads. He likes all kinds of music, having been brought up by parents with a lot of 78 RPM country records and 4 sisters who listened to a lot of Beatles, Rolling Stones, Motown, and blues.

Get to know Dennis


Dennis is the third founding member of the band. He is the male lead singer and is blessed with a tenor voice with incredible range. He sounds just as strong singing a slow ballad as he is belting out Bruce Springsteen's "Cover Me". His personal tastes run the gamut from jazz to country, soul, rhythm & blues, and rock. When he's not on stage with Clearview or playing softball and volleyball, he can be found singing karaoke at one of several area pubs.

Get to know Heather


Heather hails from all over creation and currently resides with her husband  in Shelton. She is a former member of the "Drunken Unkles" (a band, not a sorority)  from Boston. She playsthe flugelhorn (your guess is as good as ours) and loves all types of music. "Half-Pint" always wows the crowds with her decibals.

Get to know Charise


Charise is our "lady of two homes." While her permanent residence is in Connecticut with her daughter, she likes to go back to her native Florida when her schedule allows. Anyone who has heard her sing doesn't soon forget her power and range.  Although they are the "younger" members of the band, both Charise and Heather have shown a great appreciation for music from many different eras.

Get to know Darlene


Darlene first had the idea of trying to put some music together among friends.  She has been the female lead singer since the band's inception, although she now sometimes turns those duties over when the constraints of running her own business don't allow her to make a gig. She first learned how to perform in front of crowds (and earned her nickname "The Show') when she traveled with her family's high-wire act during her younger days. 

Get to know Chris


Chris is our newest addition to the Clearview family. A Watertown native with many years experience on the guitar, he will be playing lead guitar with us. Chris is in the automotive field, specializing in "service"...we're trying to figure that one out...He likes all types of music, but has a rock-n-roll preference. He fits in well, and is up to the task of making Dave sound better.

Get to know Ed


Ed (Steady Eddy) came to Clearview via Western Mass., where he was a veteran of the band scene. He is an avid guitarist, but prefers the 6 string bass with Clearview. He also keeps the electronics from blowing up. Ed enjoys all types of music, but prefers the Zeppelin / Rush sound. He keeps to himself, but does have a good zany comment now & then.

Get to know Paul


Paul replaced original drummer Nick, who left for some long-term surgery. Paul has played in several area rock bands including Defiance, Rough Edge, and Old #7. He hung up the sticks a few years ago to concentrate on work.  He discovered that work isn't all it's cracked up to be, so he took on the challenge of anchoring the rhythm section with Ed.  His skills were honed as a youngster when he played in a drum corps with his two brothers.  We believe the literal translation of his name means "lover of extended song endings."

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